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Snappy Gives Back: How our Tel Aviv Team is Making A Difference

Ciara Appelbaum
July 1, 2021

If you’ve been following our blog over the past few months, you’ve probably read about all the amazing ways our team in New York City has been giving back through our company-wide Snappy Gives Back program. This month, we wanted to take a moment to highlight all the incredible ways our Tel Aviv team has been making a difference in their local community. 

From “adopting” a youth center for underprivileged teens to donating baskets of food to families in need, let’s take a look at some of the amazing give-back initiatives our Tel Aviv team has been working on.

Renovating a Youth Center for Underprivileged Teens

The Snappy team putting on a fresh coat of paint

Earlier in the year, the Snappy team “adopted” a youth center for teens coming from underprivileged homes and low socioeconomic backgrounds. The team has been collaborating with the teens at the center to paint, garden, and give the center a makeover. 

Last month the team also partnered with Aruanit, an organization that specializes in setting up organic gardening systems, to set up an organic garden in the center for the teens to nurture and enjoy. The Snappy team can’t wait to start on their next project with the center soon!

Providing Culinary Boxes to Individuals in Need

The team worked with an organization that provides occupational opportunities to individuals suffering from mental illness and individuals in the theater and tourism industry who lost their job during COVID-19 to give out culinary boxes to those in need. 

Donating Mishloach Manot

In celebration of Purim, the Snappy team donated “Mishloach Manot,” which are baskets full of candies and goodies, to families and elderly in need. 

Partnering with Vee

The Snappy team recently partnered with Vee, a new platform for socially responsible companies to maximize their social impact and engage their employees around their values.

As part of this partnership, everyone on the Tel Aviv team is encouraged to volunteer two hours every week for a cause of their choice. Although it might not seem like much, that ends up measuring to 96 hours of volunteer work per year!

We can’t wait to ‍see all the amazing give-back initiatives yet to come! Here at Snappy, we believe there’s always time to make the world a little brighter and we’ll be spreading more good news from our Snappy Gives Back Program throughout the year.

Click here to join our team in Tel Aviv and around the globe!

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